BOOK Michele Del Campo, Paintings

book cover with girl eating ice cream with graffiti background
stack of books of painting
artist painting in studio
book page with painting of girl falling from bicycle
pencil sketch of child asleep
paintings of girls seated with sunglasses
pencil drawing of two girls arguing and painting of two girls smoking a cigarette
book page with painting of bald man with suit walking in the sea
michele del campo art book 5.jpg
book cover with girl eating ice cream with graffiti background
stack of books of painting
artist painting in studio
book page with painting of girl falling from bicycle
pencil sketch of child asleep
paintings of girls seated with sunglasses
pencil drawing of two girls arguing and painting of two girls smoking a cigarette
book page with painting of bald man with suit walking in the sea
michele del campo art book 5.jpg
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BOOK Michele Del Campo, Paintings

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